Urges CMA Members and other Healthcare Professionals to Lobby AMA Board for Final Approval
(PHILADELPHIA, PA)— May 8, 2018 The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is urging its members and other healthcare professionals to contact the American Medical Association in support of maintaining its opposition to Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) by not amending the AMA’s long-standing Code of Medical Ethics.
The AMA’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) recently recommended that the AMA uphold their opposition to PAS and to not alter its current Code of Medical Ethics.
“We congratulate the CEJA for its recommendation. While this is very encouraging it is not a complete victory,” said Peter T. Morrow MD, President of the CMA. “We are asking our members to directly contact the AMA in support of their on-going opposition to physician assisted suicide.”
The CEJA recommendation will have to be approved by the House of Delegates at the general meeting in June 9-13, 2018.
Legislatures in seven states and Washington, D.C. have legalized physician assisted suicide.
“The sacred Hippocratic tradition of the medical profession is to help the sick, to never intentionally injure or administer a life ending drug even if asked. The mission should be to focus on improving access to excellent hospice and palliative care,” said Morrow.
CMA is also urging:
- All AMA delegates and alternates to speak out and vote in favor of the CEJA’s recommendation and encourage participation in every step of this process: state and regional discussions, comments to the reference committee, and debate and vote at the House of Delegates.
- All members to contact their state AMA delegates. (see attachment)
- All members to comment at the AMA’s online forum in favor of retaining the AMA’s current position opposed to Physician Assisted Suicide. This link will provide access to the online forum for comment.
but you must first register. Click Here
“It is imperative that we as healthcare professionals respond as soon as possible,” Morrow said. “We need to work and pray that the AMA holds firm on its opposition to Physician Assisted Suicide. So many lives are in the balance.”
The Catholic Medical Association is a national, physician-led community of nearly 2,500 healthcare professionals consisting of 103 local guilds. CMA mission is to inform, organize, and inspire its members, in steadfast fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church, to uphold the principles of the Catholic faith in the science and practice of medicine.
Susanne LaFrankie, MA
Director of Communications
Catholic Medical Association
ala Cynwyd, PA 19004
C: 609-868-2005
W: 484-270-8002 x 16